Summer Chore Ideas

I wanted to pop in really quick today and show what I have been working on for chores for my kids. School just ended yesterday, and I have been procrastinating our summer chores and schedules until today. Here are a few things I found helpful when I was trying to plan out what our summer would look like:

1. I found this cute printable on Dating Divas that I could edit and change the chores for the kids to their summer morning chores. I had their school chores listed but I am going to go in and change them to their summer chores they have to get done before they can go and play for the day. They also have chore charts for moms. I am a list maker and crossing off my chores makes me so happy inside. 

Spring Cleaning Kit Chores Made Fun #SpringCleaning #ChoreCharts #CleaningMadeFun

2. Printable Summer Bucket List from Costco. I happened to see Jordan Page, from (If you don't follow her, she's so fun!) show how she makes her bucket list at Costco on her instagram stories. She usually posts on her YouTube channel after, and I couldn't find it, so I will do my best to explain how she does it. I am making one this summer with all our things we want to do. I don't know if I am just getting older, but I forget all the fun things we like to do each and every year. I started keeping a list on my phone and when I saw her post about printing it out at Costco, I was like... Duh! I need to do that!! 

I went under Poster Prints on Costco's website and they were $9.99! The size is 20 x 30 or 3000x4500 pixels. I created a document using Adobe Illustrator and listed what I wanted to be on the board and then sent it to print. I bet you could do one on Work or Pages too.

Summer Bucket List

Done and Done!

If you want someone else to make the sheet for you, I found the cutest company who will design them for you!


3. The enforcer! Not going to lie, this is going to be the biggest challenge for me. I am a total push over and my kids know it!

Good luck with summer planning! 




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